Sherwin Nuland M.D.
THE HEALERS COUNCIL seeks to discover the wisdom that transcends the details of each tradition’s particular technology. A wisdom that is forged through personal transformation, and not simply the acquisition of knowledge.
THE HEALERS COUNCIL recognizes that healing occurs at many levels, and includes the personal, inter-personal, trans-personal, and ecological domains. We therefore seek the wise counsel of healers working within a wide range of disciplines and traditions. Through discovering their common wisdom bond, the healers of our communities can revitalize their vital role as catalysts in revitalizing our communities.
The vision of THE HEALERS COUNCIL is that healers from different traditions will work together to integrate the wisdom and knowledge contained within their traditions.
The goal of THE HEALERS COUNCIL is to build a resource for healers from all traditions where they can explore the perennial wisdom of our healing traditions and explore pathways to their personal and spiritual developmemt.
Not listening in order to respond
Not to impress, or know
Practice generosity and allow space for others
Respond in the present moment, not pre-scripting
Our Blogs
So how does an education of the heart differ from an education of the intellect? I suggest that it ...
READ MORE“ NEVER GIVE UP No matter what is going on Never give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country Is spent developing the mind Instead of the heart. ”
His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama“ The heart is a gate-less gate to divinity. Move to the heart. We are all hung up, stuck in the head – that is our problem. The only problem is that we think too much. There is only one solution – get down from the head to the heart. All your problems will disappear. Problems are created by the head. The heart is innocent. The heart is a fountain of love. “
Dr Vasant Lad“There is an art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife”
Hippocratic Oath“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”
HippocratesSeek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past. Wisdom is of the future.
Native American Proverb“ There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. ”
Mother Theresa“ May I be the doctor and the medicine “
Shantideva, Bodhisattva vow” When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing. “
Rabindranath Tagore“Fed on the dry husks of facts, the human heart has a hidden want which science cannot supply.”
Sir William Osler33 Laurel Rd, Essex, CT USA 06426